Tropic Square s.r.o. is a private company founded in 2020 in response to the lack of secure element chips based on open architecture. Its goal is to bring customers a fully auditable chip that will meet high-security requirements and at the same time be verifiable by anyone thanks to its transparency and open source philosophy. The first generation of the secure chip is currently being developed under the working name TASSIC. More information at
We care deeply about digital security. We believe in the power of open-source. And our vision is to redefine hardware security and make it TRuly OPen.
There’s a reason that companies of every size from many industries turn to open-source when they need to innovate. Transparency, collaboration, and community can improve the future of technology. Mass peer review and global reach have unlocked vast technological potential, achieving what was previously thought to be impossible.
Traditional closed-source chip design is not doing enough to satisfy the security requirements for applications in the current digital age, and it’s definitely not good enough for the future.
Is a transparent, auditable chip possible? We think so. The chip industry needs to change to provide the security that the world needs. And we’re fearless enough to do it.